Date: Jun. 2018 - Apr. 2019.
Project description: Maintenance of the Public Safety solution of the CISP (Integrated Public Safety Centre) of the city of Niteroi including more than 400 CCTV cameras, 80 Panic Buttons and CAD Computer Aided Dispatching Solution.
CustomerMunicipality of Niteroi / Oi (Telemar) - Brazil.
Date: Jun. 2018 - Apr. 2019
Project description: Integrated Centre of the Smart City of the Municipality of Santos, including the Unified Communications and Collaboration Solution, the integration with legacy systems (Oracle Service Bus), the Arc GIS Platform and the Computer Aided Dispatch CAD solution.
CustomerSantos Municipality - São Paulo Brazil.
Date: Jun. 2018 - Apr. 2019.
Project descriptionDigital Transformation Projects for several Government Agencies. Business Process Management BPM and Enterprise Content Management ECM solutions.
CustomerBahia State Court of Justice, Bahia State Attorney General, Secretary of Municipal Finance of Rio de Janeiro.
Date: Jun. 2018 - Apr. 2019.
Project description: Supply, installation and maintenance of public safety solution for more than 350 federal banking agencies, including more than 1500 CCTV cameras and video recording systems.
CustomerCEF Caixa Economica Federal (Federal Bank) - Rio Grande do Sul Brazil
Date: Jun. 2018 - Apr. 2019
Project descriptionDesign, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Public Security Solutions for 45 Court of Justice facilities. CAD computer-aided dispatch, CCTV, intelligent video detection and analysis, access control (biometric, facial recognition, automatic number plate recognition ALPR), panic buttons.
Customer: Court of Justice of the Government of the State of Sao Paulo.
Project Url:
- http://www.tjsp.jus.br/Noticias/Noticia?codigoNoticia=49782
- https://www.conjur.com.br/2017-dez-16/juizes-sao-paulo-terao-botao-secreto-filmar-gabinetes
Date: Jun. 2018 - Jan. 2019.
Project description: Design, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of the public security solution for the city of Salvador de Bahia, including more than 200 CCTV cameras and CAD computer aided dispatch solution. ALPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras and Facial Recognition solution at Salvador de Bahia Airport, the "Arena Fonte Nova" football stadium, metro stations, city streets and entrances.Bahia State Police Tetra Communications Systems (22 Regional Integrated Communications Centres).
CustomerSecretariat of Public Security of the State of Bahia - Brazil.
Project Url: http://g1.globo.com/bahia/bahia-meio-dia/videos/t/edicoes/v/cameras-com-reconhecimento-facial-serao-usadas-no-carnaval-de-salvador/7409219/
Date: Jun. 2018 - Jun. 2019
Project description: Maintenance of the Public Safety solution of the CICC (Integrated Command and Control Centre) of the city of Sao Bernardo do Campo, including more than 300 CCTV cameras and the CAD Computer Aided Dispatching Solution.
CustomerMunicipality of Sao Bernardo do Campo - Brazil.
Date: Oct. 2014 - Mar. 2015.
Project descriptionDesign and engineering works for the new passenger terminal building at Acapulco Airport - Mexico.
Date: Jun. 2014 - Mar. 2015
Project descriptionDesign, supply, installation and commissioning of the ITS Intelligent Traffic System, Electromechanical Systems Control (Ventilation, Lighting) and Fire Detection Solution for Mexico's largest tunnel "Escenica Alterna de Acapulco" - Acapulco City - State of Guerrero - Mexico.
ClientCARSO // ICA // Grupo IDEAL // Government of the State of Guerrero.
Date: Nov. 2013 - Apr. 2014.
Project description: National study on interdepartmental integration and the functioning of ITS solutions in the areas of security and development in the country.
CustomerMinistry of Communications and Transport.
Main objectives:
- Identification, characterisation and development of a register of actors.
- Identification of agencies, organisations and operators deploying and using ITS solutions and compatible technological equipment applied in the national road infrastructure.
- Development of a diagram of relationships and flows for information exchange.
- Analysis of the potential of ITS databases and information systems.
- Analysis of the possible exploration of information in a cross-cutting manner according to the role of each stakeholder. Detection of fortuitous nodes.
- Proposal for the conceptual and functional definition of specific procedures to enable the exchange of information between actors.
- Elaboration of an action programme for the development and implementation of an information system that can be shared under a national consultation scheme. Design of the information system.
Date: Jul. 2012 - Mar. 2013.
Project description: Supply, installation and commissioning of the airport SCADA system (ground lighting system, electrical system). Gran Canaria - Spain.
Date: May. 2010 - Dec. 2012
Project descriptionDesign, supply, installation and commissioning of the security systems for the Port of Melilla Spain (Control Centre, CCTV, Access Control, Perimeter Detection System) under the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS).
Client: Ministry of Public Works. Puertos del Estado / Ministry of Development. Spanish Government.
Project Url: https://www.todotransporte.com/el-puerto-de-melilla-implanta-un-plan-de-proteccion-del-puerto/
Date: Jun. 2006 - Jul. 2012.
Project descriptionDesign, supply, commissioning, start-up, maintenance and operation of the City's ITS Urban Traffic Control System. Tetra Police Radio Communication System. Bus Priority System. Driver Information System. Parking Occupancy Information System. CCTV System. Data Centre. Smart City Platform (BPM Solution, Public Workers Intranet, ArcGIS Platform).
Date: Jun. 2006 - Jul. 2012.
Project descriptionDesign, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of ITS Urban Traffic Control installations in several cities and towns in Spain (Málaga, El Ejido, Huércal de Almería, Huércal-Overa, Melilla, Torrox).
Client: various municipalities in Spain.
DateJan. 2010 - Jun. 2012.
Project description: Design, supply, installation and commissioning of traffic control and safety systems for three twin-tube tunnels on the A4 motorway.
Customer: FCC / Ministry of Public Works.
Project Url:
- http://www.fomento.gob.es/AZ.BBMF.Web/documentacion/pdf/A24249.pdf
– http://www.fomento.es/NR/rdonlyres/068c2496-945d-4c3f-b404-44fcf32b46e9/64951/08030504.pdf
Date: Jan. 2011 - May. 2012
Project descriptionDesign, supply, installation and commissioning of traffic control and safety systems for three twin-tube tunnels, road ITS and toll collection system on the Malaga - Las Pedrizas dual carriageway. Project financed by the European Investment Bank.
CustomerGualdamedina Sacyr Concessionaire.
Project Url:
- https://www.eib.org/en/projects/pipelines/all/20080183
- http://www.autopistadelguadalmedina.com/es_en/
– http://www.fomento.gob.es/NR/rdonlyres/798a88eb-f441-42dc-8349-2d20a325d187/107035/11102705.pdf
- https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autopista_del_Guadalmedina Client: SACYR
Date: Jun. 2006 - May. 2012.
Project descriptionSupply, installation and commissioning of the ITS System for Traffic Control and Surveillance on the access road to the city of Almeria.
Client: DGT - Dirección General de Tráfico - Ministry of the Interior
Date: Sept. 2007 - Mar. 2012
Project descriptionDesign, supply, installation and commissioning of the Toll Collection Systems on the Cartagena - Vera Motorway.
Client: FCC, Ploder, Unicaja.
Project Url: http://www.aucosta.es
Date: Oct. 2007 - Jun. 2011.
Project description: Supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of the network of speed cameras on secondary roads in southern Spain (Andalusia).
ClientDGT - Dirección General de Tráfico - Ministerio del Interior.
Date: Nov. 2009 - Feb. 2011
Project description: Supply, installation and commissioning of monitoring and control systems for the city tramway (ITS solution for tramway traffic priority, traffic signalling system, SCADA for station control, ticketing solution).
ClientUTE Tranvía de Jaén // Alstom // Junta de Andalucía // City of Jaén.
Date: Jan. 2009 - Mar. 2010.
Project description: Supply, installation and commissioning of the SCADA system of the Tramway Station for the new Passenger Terminal Building of T3 in the city of Malaga.
ClientFCC Construcción - AENA Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry of Development)
Date: Jan. 2007 - Apr. 2009
Project description: Support for the maintenance and operation of the Urban Traffic Control Centre of the city of Malaga.
Url project: http://movilidad.malaga.eu/es/lineas-de-trabajo/movima/centro-de-control-de-trafico/
Date: Nov. 2005 - May. 2006
Project descriptionBusiness development, tender/proposal development, engineering and contracting of the ITS Urban Traffic Control System for the city of Danang - Vietnam.
ClientCity of Danang // Project financed by the Development Fund of the Government of Spain.
Date: Nov. 2002 - Dec. 2003.
Project descriptionDesign, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of the ITS, communications and tolling solutions for the A22 motorway in Portugal. The toll solution is based on payments from the Portuguese Government to the Motorway Concessionaire based on the availability of the road sections and the number of vehicles measured by the ITS solution.
CustomerCintra Ferrovial // Instituto de Estradas de Portugal (Infrastruturas de Portugal) // EIB European Investment Bank.
Project URL: http://viadoinfante.pt
Date: Dec. 2002 - Nov. 2003
Project descriptionDesign, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of motorway technology systems (motorway ITS, tolls, communications and tunnel control and monitoring solutions).
ClientJoint Venture FCC, Dragados, Teixeira Duarte, Sopol // Instituto de Estradas de Portugal // European Investment Bank.
Url project: http://www.scutvias.pt
Date: May. 2001 - Sept. 2002
Project description: Design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of the environmental monitoring network of the Urban Solid Waste Treatment Plant of Madeira Island - Portugal.
CustomerGovernment of the Autonomous Region of Madeira Island // European Regional Development Fund
Date: Oct. 1999 - Nov. 2000
Project description: Design, engineering, supply, installation and maintenance of ITS, Dynamic Tolls and Communications Solutions for the Concessionaria de Autopistas Triângulo do Sol (442 Kms).
ClientLeão & Leão, Somague, Conter
Url project: http://www.abtriangulodosol.com.br
Date: Dec. 1996 - Nov. 1997
Project description: Design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of ITS and Communications solutions for the Rio-Teresopolis - Rio de Janeiro Highway, Brazil.
CustomerJoint Venture CRT - OAS, Queiroz Galvão, Carioca Christiani-Nielsen, Strata Construções e Concessões.
Url project: http://www.crt.com.br
Date: Dec. 1995 - Nov. 1996
Project descriptionInstallation, commissioning, maintenance and operation of ITS, safety and electromechanical solutions for the Aguadulce Tunnel - Spain.
CustomerMinistry of Public Works.